Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Monarch University

    2. Important Information and Disclaimers

    3. Instructor Introduction

    4. Introduction

    5. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

    6. Employee Complaints

    7. Quiz 1 - Title VII of the Civil Rights Act

    8. Quiz 2 - Issue Spotting

    9. Age Discrimination in Employment Act

    10. Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act

    11. Equal Pay Act

    12. National Labor Relations Act

    13. Quiz 3 - ADEA, USERRA, NLRA, and EPA

    14. Fair Labor Standards Act

    15. Fair Credit Reporting Act

    16. Safety Laws and Programs

    17. Quiz 4 - FLSA, FCRA, and Safety Laws

    18. Common Laws

    19. Exercise - Common Workplace Laws/Issues

    20. Summary and Final Tips

    21. Conclusion

    1. Employment Law Overview for Managers - Course Evaluation

About this course

  • $395.00
  • 22 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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